Rhythms in company

Projects Close to Culture


Program to provide care for people with a Mental Disorder.

The reason for being about of the "Rhythms in Company" program is to make art and especially music available to people who are hospitalized or treated in an outpatient setting for a mental health problem.

The general objectives of the proposal relate to the need to maintain aesthetic experience as a component of a healthy life. Aesthetic enjoyment is an element of mental health.
Facilitating access to culture and musical expression to groups with fewer possibilities is one of the goals of Close to Culture.

Where "Rhythms in company" was born

The limitations derived from the crisis experienced in recent months, by a group with a tendency to isolation, can seriously compromise this source of health. The mobility restrictions of a hospital center, given the need to guarantee the control of contagion risks, can complicate the situation of vulnerable people.

From this very special moment experienced, and from Close to Culture commitment to mental health, a program such as "Rhythms in Company" is proposed, facilitating, in its first phase, the access of a hundred people to sessions in which music , especially rhythm, has been present in his schedule of rehabilitation activities.

Rhythms in company during the year 2022 has focused the activity on maintaining the presence in centers where it had been implemented. Emphasizing the starting point of a reformulation of the life project involving hospitalization units. On the other hand, access to new scenarios has been worked on.
The aim of maintaining the program in certain devices is to consolidate relationships with reference centers that, in addition, have shown interest in its monitoring and have also reached out to the services of other centers throughout the territory.

The various music therapists participating in the project have continued to deepen the "Rhythm to Recovery" methodology by adapting the proposal to the context of each center and specifically to the reality of Mental Health care in Catalonia.

Rehabilitation objectives of the program
  1. Fostering the connection between the participants.
  2. Maintaining hope and optimism
  3. Building a positive sense of identity (overcoming stigma)
  4. Find Meaning in Personal Experience.
  5. Empowerment understood as favoring control over one's own decisions.


Content of the sessions.
  • Welcome to get rid of worries and enjoy some music.
  • Fundamental rhythms, remembering the simplicity of important things.
  • Moments for improvisation to show and celebrate what each participant can do.
  • Rhythmic games that encourage connection.
  • Space for songs that have accompanied us in special moments or take us to moments of joy and optimism.
  • Time to review what the session has given us and summarize the feeling in one sentence.
  • Until the next session… best wishes.

The activity has been visited on several occasions by musicians from the orchestra of the Gran Teatre del Liceu. The musicians took part in the musical game of the session and performed fragments of music, bringing the vibration and sound of a music to which this group does not always have easy access.

Strengths of the program
  1. Satisfaction of participants.
  2. Opening of new scenarios.
  3. Equip the intervention
  4. Teamwork.
  5. Work adapting.
  6. Continuity of the project.

Do you want to participate with your center?